Friday, November 21, 2014

You Can't Always Get What You Want

But if you try sometimes, You just might find you get what you need...

That song has been stuck in my head. What a lesson to learn. I feel like I've been learning the same lessons over again lately, I guess I missed something before.
I guess this one would be the lesson of...humility?

After 51 long school days of doing everything and nothing at the same time, I am finally getting my own classroom. I have been the art teacher, the p.e. teacher, and every grade level from pre-school to grade 4. I didn't hate it, I was still getting paid a pretty penny after all, and I got to try new things and meet lots of cool kids, but I didn't love it either. 

So you would think that I would jump at the offer to take on my own class. Well, my boss didn't exactly present it in the best way so I got really upset. Sometimes speaking to my boss makes me wanna punch through walls like The Incredible Hulk. She's the reason why I sometimes need to listen to Kanye at work, but I digress.

Back to the title of my post though, I did not want kindergarten. Remember how I feel about three and four year olds? I'd much rather spend my days with well seasoned six or seven year olds any day, and so I pouted, my mind raced, and I nearly cried, but crying is a weak trait and something I just don't do without good reason. But as I was complaining to my friend about my predicament, another friend came in with the exact opposite predicament and things became so clear for me. My tune changed. As my future was becoming clearer, hers was becoming more uncertain, and I had to stop my complaining and be thankful. There are worse things than being a kindergarten teacher. 

Although I'm starting out in the middle of the year, it'll be with kids that I already know and like for the most part. I'm joining a good team of ladies and I'll get to decorate my new room the way I want and its already my favorite color, yellow. But best of all, I get to pick my class next year :) So maybe this is what I need, an easing back into the rigors of lesson planning, and teaching, and the donning of the many hats that teachers wear daily.

And just as a little ray of sunshine from God just for me, I had the loveliest conversation with a little kindergarten boy yesterday. I told him that he could go pick what he wanted to do for his free choice time and he looked at me with the most serious look on his face and asked "Miss D, is it okay if I just play with my imagination?"  Why, yes little boy, it absolutely is, I can't think of anything better! I think I'll like kindergarten just fine.

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