Thursday, December 29, 2016

I Accomplished Exactly 0 of My New Years Goals

Boy, writing things down can be a gift and a curse. Having a written record of what you said or said you were going to do keeps you honest and accountable, and is a reminder when you don't follow through. I was just looking over the goals I made almost a year ago and sadly, I have achieved none of them. I haven't been anywhere except Greece this year, but I did have a baby and he's pretty awesome and super cute :)

I have the itch to travel though. Like, really bad. I just want to go somewhere and living vicariously through other people is not gonna do it. My body needs to be on a plane, my passport needs more stamps, and I need to explore new places! I don't exactly know how that will work with a baby but I'm up for the challenge of figuring it out...once he's a little bit older. A few people I follow on social media have been to Marrakech lately and it looks so enchanting and colorful. I hope that is where we get to go first. I'm looking forward to posting more travel related photos and commentary.

For now here's a ridiculously cute photo of my munchkin for the holidays

(he gets his serious faces from me)